This year Sant Jordi USA is hybrid, with in-person events in Chicago and New York and online programming.
APRIL 25-27
APRIL 24-27
APRIL 21-27

3:00–4:00 p.m. CDT
5751 S Woodlawn Ave, Chicago, IL 60615
Constellations of Meanings: Izidora Angel, Lizzie Davis, and Noh Anothai discuss Best Literary Translations 2024. They will be joined in conversation by Alta L. Price.
A Q&A and signing will follow the discussion.

1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EST: WATCH LIVE HERE
1:00 p.m.
VIDEOART: Qualia - You Matter to Me - Trailer - directed by Catalan filmmaker Laia Cabrera and French visual artist Isabelle Duverger
Best Literary Translations 2024
- The Lion, the Refugee, the Exile: Farhad Pirbal's The Potato Eaters with translator Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrossev (Kurdish)
- A Body by Catalina Infante Beovic, forgiveness cannot be given to something you hardly know, with translator Michelle Mirabella (Spanish – Chile)
– Something Missing from This World: An Anthology of Yazidi Poetry by Wacida Xêro with translators Alana Marie Levinson-LaBrosse and Zêdan Xelef (Kurmanji, Kurdish - Irak)
- Vito Apüshana's poem "Bird-women" from the book Old Newcomers, with translator Maurice Rodriguez (Spanish/Wayuu - La Guajira, Colombia)
- The Funeral: Story of a strange longing with translator Anita Gopalan (Hindi - India)
1:30 p.m. Best Literary Translations 2024
- Reading of Jesus Amalio Lugo's I have a collection of powerful objects from the Best Literary Translations 2024 by translator David M. Brunson (Spanish - Venezuela/Chile)
– The Sea Krait and other tales from Agua with author Enrique Villasis and translator Bernard Capinpin (Tagalog/Filipino)
2:00 p.m.
- The Snails’ Spiral: A Tale of Reconciliation with author Disney Cardoso and translator Jeanine Legato, from the Best Literary Translations 2024 (Spanish - Colombia)
The Catalan Table - A conversation about Catalan Cuisine with Jaume Biarnés and author Alba Sunyer (Catalan)
2:30 p.m.
- Bilingual reading of The Goddesses of Water by author Jeannette Clariond and translator Samantha Schnee. An introduction will provide context for 8 Nahuatl words and Aztec concepts mentioned in the poems (Spanish, Nahuatl)
2:45 p.m.
- Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like Riverwater: A Trilingual Reading with author Irma Pineda and translator Wendy Call (Didxazá and Spanish - Mexico)
3:00 p.m.
- Estamos hér(e), Translingual Authorship and the Possibilities of Creative (Self-)Translation with Helen Cova, Urayoán Noel, and Larissa Kyzer (Icelandic, Spanish, English)

APRIL 25 on YouTube
1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EST: WATCH LIVE HERE
- A Clutter of Kittens: Books on or by cats from HarperVia -Translator Katherine Gregor reads from Babas' How To Train Your Human (Italian)
- Teaser: Translator Mara Faye Lethem reads from Alana S. Portero's Bad Habit (Spanish - Spain)
- HarperVia and the Booker: Translator Boris Dralyuk reads from Andrey Kurkov’s The Silver Bone (Russian - Ukraine)
- HarperVia and the Booker: Translator Kira Josefsson reads from Ia Genberg’s The Details (Swedish)
- HarperVia and the Booker: Translator Julia Sanches reads from Gabriela Wiener’s Undiscovered (Spanish - Peru)
- A Clutter of Kittens, bis: Books on or by cats from HarperVia - Translator Louise Heal Kawai reads from Sôsuke Natsukawa's The Cat Who Saved Books (Japanese)
METAMORPHOSES: A Journal on Translation
1:30 p.m.
- Curating A Catalan Special Issue Of Metamorphoses: a conversation with Editors Lara Matta and guest Editors Guillem Molla and Hillary J. Gardner
- A bilingual reading from Great Trees Fall by author Àngels Gregori and translator Mary Ann Newman
2:00 p.m.
- A reading and discussion by professor Albert Lloret of Víctor Català’s A Film (3,000 meters), translated by Peter Bush
- Lourdes Manyé i Martí and Enrique Muñoz-Mantas on translating Miquel Martí i Pol and Agustí Cabruja i Auguet: Poets of Internal and External Exile with a cameo by Wayne Cox
2:30 p.m.
- Review of Mary Ann Newman’s translation of Joan Fuster’s Final Judgements by Oriol Ponsatí-Murlà
- Two poems by Narcis Comadira "Four Words" and "Lullaby" read and discussed by translator Sonia Alland
- A reading and discussion of Felicia Fuster's The Page is the Skin with translator Marialena Carr and poet Mireia Vidal-Conte
3:00 p.m.
- Who was Ramon Llull? An exposition by Arnau Vives Piñas
- Napalm in the Heart: A conversation between author Pol Guasch and translator Mara Faye Lethem
3:30 p.m. PEN CATALÀ
- "To be translated": A conversation two Catalan novelists, Marta Carnicero and Flavia Company, and Laura Huerga, President of PEN Català

New York
APRIL 25-27
6:00-10:00 p.m. EST
VENUE: THEATER Out of the Box Theatrics
154 Christopher St #1E, New York
Sant Jordi USA 2024 is delighted to be partnering with Out of the Box Theatrics for all our in-person events. This lovely little theater at 154 Christopher Street is a perfect setting for readings, screenings and performances of literature from around the world.
6:15 p.m.
Welcome and Opening Remarks
6:25 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
SCREENING: Esther Casas' Check Date – An Underdog Love Story
Short stop motion animation (5min)
6:30 p.m.
Penguin Book of Dragons Conversation with author Scott Bruce about the various roles dragons play throughout history, with special emphasis on the many versions of the legend of Saint George.
7:00 p.m.
Bruno Lloret and Daniel Saldaña París: Chilean novelist Bruno Lloret will speak about his novel Nancy (Two Lines Press) with Mexican novelist Daniel Saldaña París, who will speak about Planes Flying Over a Monster (Catapult) - zooming in translators Ellen Jones and Christina MacSweeney.
7:30 p.m.
Daniel Saldaña París will introduce and engage in a brief conversation with Brian Robert Moore, translator of Michele Mari’s You, Bleeding Childhood and Verdigris (And Other Stories, 2023) followed by a reading of “The Black Arrow,” a story that explores the infinite possibilities of translation.
8:00 p.m. Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
SCREENING: Qualia - You Matter to Me, Film for cinematic presentation directed by Catalan filmmaker Laia Cabrera and French visual artist Isabelle Duverger, with music by Nana Simopoulos and Erica Glyn, featuring performing artist Catherine Correa.
8:15 p.m.: Focus on Catalan-American Arts and Activism
Albert Marquès, New York-based Catalan jazz pianist and composer, will discuss FREEDOM FIRST his project of jazz, poetry, and resistance with Keith LaMar, an innocent prisoner on death row in Ohio. And we will read from his book "El jazz suena en el corredor de la muerte" (Ed Critica, 2023).
9:00 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
Esther Casas' Creamen - Short stop motion animation (12min)
9:15 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Literature
Marialena Carr will read from her translations of Felícia Fuster (1921-2012) and talk about Fuster’s life in Paris as a painter, poet, and translator. With a zoom introduction by Esther Rodríguez Biosca, Director of the Fundació Felícia Fuster.

APRIL 25-27

1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EST: WATCH LIVE HERE
Full Schedule Coming Soon
1:00 p.m.
- CATALAN CINEMATIC ARTS: Perennial Land immersive video and sound installation (Teaser) by Laia Cabrera and Isabelle Duverger with music by Nana Simopoulos, on view until May 16 at the Hall of Fame Gallery, CUNY BCC
- A Trip to La Paz: Readings from the crónicas of Hebe Uhart A Question of Belonging with translator Anna Vilner (Spanish - Argentina)
- Eliana Hernández-Pachón's The Brush with translator Robin Myers (Spanish - Colombia)
- Life in multiple languages: Felix Nesi's People from Oetimu with translator Lara Norgaard (Indonesian)
1:30 p.m.
- Author Kari Hukkila and translator David Hackston discuss One Thousand and One (Finnish) - Contra Mundum
2:00 p.m.
- Translating Tognazzi’s The Injester: Un Aperitivo with translators Dominic Siracusa and Gianluca Rizzo, and Vincent Piazza (Italian) - Contra Mundum
2:40 p.m.
- Translator Peter Thompson reads and discusses Amina Saïd’s Walking the Earth (French - Tunisia) - Contra Mundum
- Memòries (1892-1984): Intro to Anglada and reading of translation into English, excerpt from her memoir with translator AKaiser (Catalan)
3:00 p.m.
- Translation and the #MeToo Movement in East Asia: Fang Si Chi’s First Love Paradise by Lin Yi-han; Kim Ji-young, Born 1982 by Cho Nam-Joo; Black Box by Shiori Ito, with translators Jenna Tang, Jamie Chang, Allison Markin Powell, Lin Li (Chinese, Korean, Japanese)

New York
APRIL 25-27
6:00-9:30 p.m. EST
VENUE: Out of the Box Theatrics
154 Christopher St #1E, New York
6:15 p.m.: KIDS' PROGRAM
Alyson Waters and Margot Kerlidou will read from their translation of Meeselphe (Elsewhere Books - Archipelago) by Claude Ponti.
6:40 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
SCREENING: Esther Casas' Check Date – An Underdog Love Story
Short stop motion animation (5min)
6:45 p.m.
Kalpana Raina and D. W. Gibson will speak about For Now, It Is Night: Stories (Archipelago) by Hari Krishna Kaul, translated from Kashmiri by Gowhar Fazili, Gowhar Yaquoob, Kalpana Raina, Tanveer Ajsi.
7:30 pm
Quan Zhou and Tana Oshima: Artivism: Diasporic bodies that do comics. Presentation of the graphic novels of two Spanish authors of East-Asian origin, members of a generation of new voices that have arisen over the past decade. They will explore the intersection between art, resistance, and racialization in Spain.
8:15 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
SCREENING: Qualia - You Matter to Me, Film for cinematic presentation directed by Catalan filmmaker Laia Cabrera and French visual artist Isabelle Duverger, with music by Nana Simopoulos and Erica Glyn, featuring performing artist Catherine Correa.
8:30 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Arts
MUSIC: Violin Solo by Mireia Clua, a groundbreaking Andorran electric violinist, composer, and improviser who joins us with the support of the Andorran Mission to the United Nations.
READING: Maria Fontanals reads a selection of poems by three Catalan poets who are celebrating centenaries this year: Vicent Andrés Estellés, Joan Salvat-Papasseït, and Montserrat Vayreda. Mireia Clua will accompany the readings on the violin (directed by Ignacio Garcia-Bustelo)

New York
11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m. EST: KIDS' PROGRAM
VENUE: Yondu Culinary Studio
254 Front Street (South Street Seaport)
6:00 p.m.-9:30 p.m. EST
VENUE: Out of the Box Theatrics
154 Christopher St #1E, New York
6:15 p.m.: KIDS' PROGRAM
Translator Sara Khalil will read her translation from the Persian of In the Meadow of Fantasies by Mohammad Hadi Mohammadi. (Archipelago)
6:25 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Cinematic Arts
SCREENING: Esther Casas' Check Date – An Underdog Love Story Short stop motion animation (5min)
6:30 p.m.
Translator Sara Khalil will will read excerpts of her translation from the Persian of Tali Girls by Siamak Herawi (Archipelago).
7:00 p.m.
Wendy Call, translator of Nostalgia Doesn’t Flow Away Like Riverwater by Irma Pineda, will read from her translation. will join us by zoom from Mexico to read the original texts in Didxazá (Isthmus Zapotec).
7:30 p.m.
Janet Hendrickson will read prose poems composed from her versions of Covarrubias’ Tesoro de la Lengua Española o Castellana.
8:00 p.m.
THEATER: A staged reading from My Hell, a contemporary Ukrainian drama by Oksana Savchenko, translated by Hanna Leliv, making its English-language debut at Sant Jordi before it premieres in Princeton. Scenes from the play will be read by students who worked with Hanna and director Neil Blackadder.
8:30 p.m.
Larissa Kyzer will read from her translation of Exposure by Icelandic dramatist Kristin Eiriksdóttir.
9:00 p.m.: Focus on Catalan Literature
Àngel Guimerà and the Creation of the Hollywood Star System: Professor Sharon Feldman of the University of Richmond will tell us about the years Àngel Guimerà took the American stage by storm. She will show clips from Guimerá's Maria Rosa, a 1916 film directed by Cecil B. DeMille and starring Geraldine Farrar.


1:00 p.m.-4:00 p.m. EST: WATCH LIVE HERE
1:00 p.m.
- A Reading from Singapore: Wong Koi Tet (黄凯德)'s Dakota with translator Shanna Tan (Chinese - Singapore)
- Reading from A More Than Three Figure with author Kim Yurim and translator Megan Sungyoon (Korean)
- Lee Min-ha (이민하)'s Phantom Limbs and Yoo Heekyung (유희경)'s Today’s Morning Vocabulary: Contemporary Korean Poetry in Translation with Jein Han and Stine An (Korean)
1:30 p.m.
- Unnamable: A Transatlantic Sharing Poems and Poems in Translation with Anna Gual and AKaiser (Catalan)
- “A Fish in Ice,” short story by Ricardo Piglia with translator Erik Noonan (Spanish - Argentina)
- SCREENING: Esther Casas' Check Date – An Underdog Love Story Short stop motion animation (5min)
2:00 p.m.
- The music of Antonio [Antoni] Soler: A Conversation between author Hayk Arsenyan and musicologist Antoni Pizà (Spanish - Spain)
2:30 p.m.
- Translation of Winter Lights from Basque to Spanish to English with author Irati Elorrieta and translator Samantha Schnee (Basque, Spanish)
3:00 p.m.
- Nuala Ní Dhomhnaill's The Water Horse: An Irish “Other” for All Times with Marialena Carr and Seamus Lynch curated by translator Claire Longtin North (Gaeilge - Ireland)
3:30 p.m.
- Versions of Fernando Pessoa: Editing and translating The Book of Disquiet: The Complete Edition, with Jerónimo Pizarro and translator Margaret Jull Costa
4:00 p.m.
- The Secret Bird with translator Ilze Duarte and Jesse Lee Kercheval (Portuguese - Brazil)
- Francesc Tosquelles: Avant-Garde Psychiatry and the Birth of Art Brut with curator Carles Guerra and scholar Jordana Mendelson
“Flocky” & “Qualia, You Matter To Me”: A conversation with Catalan filmmakers and multimedia artist Esther Casas and Laia Cabrera moderated by Mary Ann Newman
In the US